People > Angela Lester

Angela Lester

Managing Partner
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Managing Partner

As Managing Partner of Mobile Behavior, Angela leads the strategic and customer experience planning for Mobile Behavior’s clients. For nearly two decades Angela has been a nationally recognized expert in her field and, prior to Mobile Behavior, has helped define the Experience Design industry across all digital channels (web, mobile, email, social, etc) as founder of three of Southern California’s leading interactive agencies and a smaller private label firm in NY that provided strategic services to the leading global agencies.

Angela’s started focusing internationally on mobile in 2001 with SonyEricsson.  As mobile became a viable channel in the U.S., she quickly incorporated this important channel as and an integral digital touchpoint across many client experience strategies and deployments.  Today Angela spearheads the mobile and emerging technologies for Mobile Behavior’s clients, with the same integrated perspective.  Her background inCustomer Experience strategies, usability testing, analytics and CRM ensurethat all mobile deployments are tightly connected to the larger brand and digital experience framework to ensure successful business results and lasting customer relationships.

Angela grew up speaking five languages, has lived in several different countries, and has managed global digital projects across several continents. Her extensive client list includes H&R Block, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Novartis, Starwood, Citi, Fedex, Bank of America, TXUE, Pharmavite, Infiniti, Toyota, Nissan, Deloitte, Comcast, Guthy Runker, Disney, Sony, Capital One, Hewlette-Packard, Microsoft and more.

Angela has won many awards for her work and has been an international speaker for various organizations such as the AIGA, ISS&S and various universities.   Angela graduated with honors from a dual program between Tufts University and the Museum School of Fine Arts.