by rambamAugust 7, 2006

Sphere of Influence

The Sphere of Influence marketing model is based on the notion that most new products and consumer trends follow a similar process on their way to mass adoption. This process is heavily influenced by peer-to-peer marketing within influential consumer groups, which now have their own media vehicles e.g., blogs, vogs (video blogs), and zines (online/offline niche publications) to espouse their opinions and shape a brand’s identity. Brands must now “infiltrate” these groups, which often include amateur journalists and brand/product enthusiasts in order to ensure credible and sustained consumer adoption. This is not to say that brands have to appeal to everyone but that they should pursue the appropriate fragmented consumer groups that exist within narrowly targeted audiences. Within each sphere, amateur and professional media channels exist to raise awareness and stimulate consumer dialogue, and new products and brands must travel through each sphere of influence before they reach maximum penetration in the marketplace read more.

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    [...] is a perfect example of the Sphere of Influence in an Intention Economy. In an oversupplied and highly connected market, consumer intentions become [...]

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