by CalebFebruary 24, 2010

Tweet-o-Meter: Understanding The Social and Temporal Dynamics Of Cities


Researchers at the UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis have created an online dashboard-like interface, the Tweet-o-Meter, to compare TPM (tweets per minute) being output from from different cities around the world.

Potential questions that could be answered this way include: "Is New York the city that never sleeps? Do Londoners send more Tweets than New Yorkians'? Is Oslo a bigger Tweeter than Munich?", and so on.

Below is video footage of the analog version, taking public tweets and turning it into physical results.

[via infosthetics]

  • Tweet-o-Meter Visualizes Global Online Behavior at the British Library | MobileBehavior

    [...] British Library is showcasing a new addition to its Growing Knowledge Exhibition. It appears the Tweet-o-Meter we covered earlier this year has gotten [...]

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