by CalebMarch 2, 2010

PewResearchCenter: How Millennial Are You? How Often Do You Text?


The Pew Research Center is polling users to answer the question How Millennial Are You? After taking the quiz, users are ranked on a scale placing them within a certain generational group.

A couple mobile related questions that affect "Millennial score" include:

Thinking about your telephone use, do you have...

Only a landline phone in your home

Only a cell phone

Both a landline and cell phone

In the past 24 hours, about how many text messages, if any, did you send or receive on your cell phone?

No text messages on your cell phone in the past 24 hours

1 to 9 text messages

10 to 49 text messages

50 or more text messages

Mobile connected culture is taking off with today's youth. Take the quiz here to find out your place in all of it. Then compare the results with others' here.

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