by CalebSeptember 1, 2010

Popcode Harnesses Image Recognition For Markerless Augmented Reality

Early last week Extra Reality announced a new augmented reality platform called Popcode. It improves the mixed reality experience using image recognition.

Popcode shows the camera picture on your phone's screen just like when you go to take a photo. But view a picture or poster with augmented reality content and it comes to life on the screen - the app adds extra content as if it were actually there in the world around you.

[It uses] what is known in the trade as a Markerless Augmented Reality platform. That means you can add additional content onto any image (providing it has enough texture). You do not need to print large black-and-white markers to be able to add Augmented Reality (AR) content to the world using Popcode.

With Popcode, taking part in an augmented reality experience feels smoother and even magical. Like we've seen with apps like Google Goggles or kooaba, computer vision could let us leapfrog barcodes entirely. In 2007, the BBC described this as "hiding messages in plain sight." This could change the way we interact with everything from paper maps to everyday t-shirts.

Click here for a few examples by Popcode.

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